Friday, December 12, 2014

Just checking local Internet records is not enough

Service industries that put employees in personal/private contact with clients and/or a client's property are being scrutinized for not only failing to conduct background checks but for doing them improperly. Most recently a national ride sharing company received criticism for both. At first, the company was not screening its drivers, which resulted in employing drivers with violent criminal pasts and questionable driving records. They upgraded their screening process, however, the background investigations were not thorough. Checks were only being made for in State violations with no verification of the person’s identity or the records.

This is just one example of a service industry company not ensuring they have a proper screening process. With Internet access to almost anything, most small employers try to do the background screenings themselves, only checking the local records for which they have access. This is not a thorough background investigation. Much can be missed. Records can exist in all States, at all levels of jurisdictions. Matching records to employees and understanding what the records mean are paramount. (What is the price of not doing a backgroundcheck? July 9, 2013)

Employers need to make sure that their vendors are checking all jurisdictions where the employee lives or has lived, backing up the findings with court records, and verifying that the record is actually that of the employee.
Don’t risk your business by taking shortcuts.